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cider inspirations

Music Collaborations

the bridge city sinners

Sinners Cider

Sinners Cider Is Born

Our cider maker is passionate about many things. Music is very high on that list. His body has numerous musicians and bands tattoos, and it was from this love of music an idea was born.

Why not collaborate with two of his loves, cider AND music.

Fresh from his mind was another fantastic concert watching The Bridge City Sinners and talking to band members afterwards, the journey began making his first cider for a band he loved.

The idea of an Elderberry-infused cider had long been an idea, and the thought of this being a cider as the first in a series of ciders made for bands, led him to produce the cider we have today.

Various discussions with the band about names for the cider were held and despite some very good names put forward, a few were deemed ….ahem…. a little too risqué for the general public. So, Sinners cider it became, and the long hours of the behind-the-scenes work (label approval, registrations etc. etc.) we finally have a cider which we can be proud of and put alongside a band of such greatness.

Enjoy the cider and most of all, enjoy the music of a band who not only are great musicians and performers but a wonderful group of people.

Here’s to the Sinners!!